Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Blogging For Money

I'm fairly new to blogging for money but my recent efforts to monetize my blogs seems to be going not too badly. there's not too much money it but it is a pleasurable experience to write and get payed for ones efforts. The best of the bunch ; and i have tried most of them; seems to be Blogvertise Bloggingads and Pay Per Post although i don't seem to have had much luck with the last one...... still trying here though. Blogvertise seems particularly a nice one, you just add three links to the company you are writing about in your journal and it doesn't really matter on what subject as long as it's something similar . I'm yet to be payed on this one which doesn't amount to much more than $30.00 , but i should be when the one month is up from the blog post. I like this one anyway!

Bloggingads is cool too, but i'm still waiting to hear from them. They make things even easier with there pre written blogs that one just copys and pastes. Very cool! Anothere one i've tried is Helium ...... may report on this one later. Anyway , if anyone wants to try blogging for some cash why not give the ones i mentioned a try! As i say idt doesn't really amount to a lot but the more you do the more you get.....and it does add up!

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